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Animal Welfare

Project SAVIOUR (SAVe OUR anImals save OUR environment)

Given the recent surge in human-wildlife and human-street animal conflicts, as well as the increased polarization of public opinion against animals, supporting various initiatives for animal welfare has become imperative. The Company collaborated with Trees of Life for Animals (TOLFA) in Ajmer, Rajasthan, and successfully rescued and treated over 5100 animals in distress.

It also supported Federation of Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO)'s project aimed at advocating policy changes concerning the welfare of bovines in India while conducting a comprehensive study covering 50 dairies, potentially benefiting over 2200 cattle. It also provided a temporary shelter for stray cattle in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh and a gas cremation furnace for an animal hospital in Delhi run by People For Animals.

    Project SAVIOUR (SAVe OUR anImals save OUR environment)