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Education & Skilling

Kalpa Vidya Kalpa Kaushal

We believe that quality education is a fundamental need for every child. With this belief and the strong inclination to provide equitable access to children from lesser privileged backgrounds and marginalized communities, various need based educational interventions are implemented across geographies. The educational activities are in alignment to the National Education Policy (2020) and focuses on creating a holistic learning infrastructure, thereby providing an impetus to join and sustain them through their schooling years. Infrastructure support like construction of additional classrooms, providing furniture, Digital smart class solutions, setting up of STEM Labs, refurbishment of toilet blocks, construction of separate sanitation facilities for girls, providing clean drinking water through donation of water purifiers & coolers, installation of solar panels, providing safe commute options through donation of school bus, etc. are some of the need based initiatives being implemented across geographies.

Strengthening School Infrastructure

Schools near our project sites across rural areas, semi-urban areas lack the basic infrastructure like adequate classrooms, sanitation facilities, furniture and majority of the school buildings are in dilapidated condition. This leads to suboptimal teaching and learning outcomes. There is strong evidence that better infrastructure leads to lesser dropouts thereby ensuring better learning outcomes.

The construction of additional classrooms and the installation of solar panels have enabled schools to enroll more underprivileged students and transition towards using renewable energy, thereby reducing electricity expenses. Additionally, teacher training has played a crucial role in implementing pedagogical changes, ensuring the long-term sustainability of these interventions.

    Strengthening School Infrastructure
    Providing Holistic Educational Infrastructure in Government School, Rajasthan

    Providing Holistic Educational Infrastructure in Government School, Rajasthan

    Research has shown that quality education, coupled with a safe and secure infrastructure, plays a crucial role in encouraging children to enroll in schools.

    The recent implementation of NEP 2020 underscores the importance of providing schools with decent infrastructure to ensure a high-quality physical environment. At KPIL, we are committed to creating quality and safe infrastructure for students to develop effective learning environments and inspire them to excel academically.

    We undertook extensive construction and refurbishment at a Government School in Rajasthan from FY 2020-21. The school serves children from socially and economically disadvantaged communities. While the school had 450 students in FY 2020-21, many needy children were on a waiting list due to limited space in classrooms. To accommodate more students while providing an academically driven environment, multiple intervention were undertaken. The major construction work was completed in FY 2022-23.

    The multitude of interventions undertaken in the project were:

      For the refurbishment and construction of additional classrooms, a professional architect was hired to design the building and suggest changes in the existing infrastructure. The upgraded facilities have influenced enrolments to go up from 450 students in FY 2020-21 to 750 students in FY 2022-23.


      Enhancing 21st Century Skills

      With a view to enhance 21st century skills, digital smart class solutions and Mini science centres are set up year on year in schools at remote geographies near our business operations. The schools with skewed teacher-student ratios benefit the most with digital smart class solution as the teachers are able to manage multiple classes simultaneously.

      Setting up of Mini Science centres have helped in inculcating basic concepts of Science & Technology (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) at a very early age amongst children who do not have the right kind of access. These projects are helping transform the traditional ‘rote’ based education system to more interactive, innovative ways of learning amongst children while focusing on an interactive pedagogy of teaching across multiple geographies. More than 85 schools have been transformed till date across the States of Nagaland, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, etc. reaching out to more than 33,000 students.

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        Enhancing 21<sup>st</sup> Century Skills
        Provision of Safe Drinking Water

        Provision of Safe Drinking Water

        Water purifiers and water coolers are donated to schools for marginalised children. While water purifiers ensure the access to safe drinking water, the water coolers gives children respite in the hot summers. The project focus is to lower the rate of waterborne diseases amongst children thereby decreasing the dropout rate.

        More than 35 schools have been covered through this intervention till date.

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          Aligned to the Skill India Mission of Government of India, KPIL's skilling initiative focuses on strengthening the pool of skilled workforce in the industry we operate in. Skill hubs have been set up in the Government run Industrial Technical Institutes (ITI) that train the alumni and existing batches of students in employability enhanced trainings covering trades like Welder, Electricians, Barbenders, Carpenters, etc.

          With a view to provide innovative approach in skilling, Simulation-based Welding Labs have been set up in two Government-run Industrial Training Institutes in Chhattisgarh & Gujarat. These labs are offering extended Reality (XR) based training that will enable real-time evaluation and practice of welding techniques for the students enrolled in the course. By practicing in the virtual set up, students can gain proficiency before working on actual sites, resulting in reduced consumable usage and minimized fumes.

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