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According to leading scientists and the United Nations, the Earth has less than a decade to prevent a catastrophic impact from climate change, with deforestation occurring at an alarming rate. However, there is a solution to rapidly restore lost green cover in a sustainable and long-lasting manner. Our CSR project SAVIOUR (SAVe our anImals save OUR environment) focuses on creating dense green cover by Miyawaki way of Plantation, provding access to sustainable water solutions (drinking as well as for irrigation purpose) amongst others.

Plantation Through The Miyawaki Technique

Utilizing the Miyawaki technique, a total of 9000 saplings representing 71 different species were densely planted across a 4000 square meter area.

To ensure the use of renewable energy, a solar pump was installed for watering the plants. This project aims to create a self-sustaining forest within three years while addressing various ecological services such as carbon sequestration, soil stabilization, water and air filtration, and regulation of water flow. The planted trees will also provide shade, absorb air pollutants, enhance green spaces, create habitats for wildlife, regulate stormwater, and promote human well-being.

The Miyawaki method of forestation has demonstrated exceptional growth and survival rates compared to other afforestation techniques. This project emphasizes the preservation of local flora and fauna, maintaining biodiversity, and actively contributing to climate change mitigation and environmental revitalization. Additionally, the project aligns with the Indian government's Green India Mission and National Action Plan for Climate Change, which focus on protecting, restoring, and expanding India's forest cover in response to climate change through plantation activities in both forest and non-forest areas.

    Plantation Through The Miyawaki Technique