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Kalpa Aarogya Seva

Our Healthcare vertical primarily focuses on providing equitable health related services to undeserved communities. Interventions under the project concentrates on delivering a comprehensive range of healthcare services, encompassing preventive, promotive, and curative aspects. These interventions are aimed to address the health needs of the target population by focusing on proactive measures to prevent illnesses, promote health and well-being, and provide curative treatments when necessary.


Access to Basic Healthcare services


Healthy Vision


Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure

Kalpa Seva Aarogya Kendra

Our first Kalpa Seva Aarogya Kendra (KSAK) was set up at Gandhinagar in year 2009. With a humble beginning then, this health centre now boasts of multi-specialty, cutting-edge technological machineries like MRI, X- Ray, Sonography, etc.

Panel of distinguished specialist doctors of Gandhinagar’s medical community are on-boarded in the Aarogya Kendra. These are Specialist doctors in the field of Dermatology, Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Dentistry, Radiology, Pathalogy, General Physician, General Surgery, etc.

The facility also has a pathological lab that has the finest equipment which are extremely helpful in meeting the medical needs of the beneficiaries. With a footfall of ~120 patients on a daily basis, the facility till date has reached out to more than 370,000 needy beneficiaries. During the COVID pandemic, vaccination camps were also conducted in this centre.

While running the Aarogya Kendra in Gandhinagar, it was realized that there was lack of low cost MRI scanning centres in Gandhinagar district for the disadvantaged patients. The patients had to travel to Ahmedabad for the subsidized MRI testing. To scale up the outreach and extend our medical services, a 96 Channel equipped, fully digital, A.I. based 1.5 Tesla MRI machine was set up in the Aarogya Kendra. Since it is an AI based machine, it enhances atomized scanning. The EcoPower in this machine allows 30% power saving while taking care of the ecological footprints. The MRI machine facility is led by prominent radiologists with a goal of providing low-cost screening services to the lesser privileged. The MRI centre is available for patients, 24 hours a day. The MRI centre’s footfall alone is above 620 patients on a monthly basis and these patients are referred from the nearby slum area, towns and villages.

The large scale impact seen in Gandhinagar, paved way for setting up of another centre in Mumbai and one in a rural village Khorpa, near KPIL’s manufacturing Plant in Chhattisgarh. The centre in Khorpa was inaugurated in April 2022 and provides specialized services in Dental, Gynecology, Pediatrics, etc. The centre has a fully functional X-Ray facility and an entire Dentistry set up. There are ~10 specialist doctors who visit the centre regularly. Medicines are also distributed on subsidised rates.

Our community healthcare interventions also focus on expanding its outreach in rural areas by partnering with the Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder Society to raise awareness and provide training on healthy aging and Parkinsons disease. This project is being implemented in Thane District of Maharashtra and rural/semi-urban areas in Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

    Kalpa Seva Aarogya Kendra
    Healthy Vision

    Healthy Vision

    One of the healthcare focus is to also provide access to better eye health care to the needy communities. We has been supporting cataract surgeries for needy rural populations across India under Vision Foundation of India’s “Rashtriya Netra Yagna” project. Till date 5,966 beneficiaries from underserved communities have undergone cataract surgeries.

      Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure

      Near the Project sites and Plant locations across India, it has been our endeavour to enhance the basic healthcare facilities that will help compliment the existing government’s intervention.

      The Company has been donating Ambulance, Medical equipment like X-Ray machines, Sonography machines; constructing sub-health care centres in rural areas, OPD wards for charitable hospitals like Sadguru Netra Chikitsalaya and beyond.

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        Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure
        Enhancing WASH Facilities

        Enhancing WASH Facilities

        The lack of access to proper sanitation facilities adversely affects the health and well-being of individuals, placing families at higher risk. Furthermore, it hinders their ability to fully participate in economic activities. Specifically, the absence of menstrual hygiene facilities impacts young girls and women, leading to increased absenteeism from school and work.

        To address these challenges, the company has constructed public sanitation facilities in marginalized communities, aiming to improve health infrastructure, promote basic hygiene, and reduce the issue of open defecation. Additionally, sanitary napkin manufacturing machines have been installed in schools and communities to promote menstrual hygiene among young girls and women.

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